Hello there!

Welcome to my blog, Nebby’s World!

Who am I? I go by the username Nebulous on various internet platforms.

I am just a regular Joe from California. I am middle aged, work a blue collar job Mon-Fri and like to have fun on the weekends (or maybe just catch up on my beauty sleep instead). I love spending time with my partner, daughter and my two dogs. I also am a huge foodie and a movie buff.

I have been very active in the internet forum / message board scene on and off for the past two decades. I’ve even owned & operated a successful forum or two in my day. These days I keep pretty busy in the offline world but when I do get some free time, you may see me updating this blog and popping in various forums around the net.

Thank you for visiting my blog and feel free to check back in from time to time to see what I’ve been posting about here.



Owner of neb8.net

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