I borrowed a pressure washer recently to clean up all the concrete around my house. I did my driveway & back patio. This type of work is oddly satisfying. You don’t realize how dirty the ground actually is until you see the color difference in the concrete while using the machine. The pressure washer I used sure has some power! If you kept it pointed in one spot too long, it would definitely eat a hole in the ground so you’ve got to keep it moving. I was pleased with the results, I’ll probably do this every other year or so.


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  1. I agree power washing is very therapeutic, and satisfying, I recently got a power washer and was very impressed on how well it works, I’ve seen videos but to experience it my self it’s pretty cool.

    1. @Zach I have a small one myself that someone gave me, I assume its pretty weak but I haven’t tried it yet. The one I borrowed was a professional one that costs thousands of dollars. It worked really well. Has some power thats for sure! When you pull the trigger you need to brace yourself because it will throw you back a little bit. Lol

  2. As much as this looks very good and it’s very helpful in cleaning stuffs, you should also be very careful with using it because it can be very dangerous as the water can cut through things. It can hurt someone if they are not careful.

    1. @Heatman That is very true. You have to keep it moving or it can eat a hole in whatever you are pointing at. Just don’t stay in one spot too long and you’ll be fine.

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